Morton’s neuroma affects the ball of your foot,especially between the third and fourth toes. You feel like you are standing on a pebble or a fold in your sock. In Morton’sneuroma, the tissue around the nerves thickens and you might experience burning pain in the ball of your foot. The affected toes also might be numb with stinging and burning sensations. High-heel shoes are linked with the development of neuroma foot and the Neuroma Specialist Houston might use Morton’s neuroma exercises, corticosteroid injection, or surgery to solve Morton’s neuroma symptoms discomfort. However, at first, patients notice pain relief when they take off their shoes, massage, or rest their feet.
Studies have shown that out of four Morton’s neuroma patients three are women and the condition is common between 40 and 50s ages. It is also believed that poorly fitting shoes that are too tight contribute to the development of Morton’s neuroma. So, women who wear high-heel shoes and men who wear tight shoes are at a higher risk of developing Morton’s neuroma. Runners and ballet dancers are more at risk while other patients have no obvious cause of Morton’sneuroma.
High impact sports such as running and jogging subject the feet to repetitive traumas that are a risk factor for the development of Morton’s neuroma. Sports that feature tight footwear such as rock climbing or snow skiing put pressure on your toes.
Foot deformities are also a risk factor for the development of the condition. Especially if the condition causes a change in the foot functions and constrains the toes. People with high arches, bunions, flatfeet, and hammertoes are at risk of developing this condition.
How does Houston Morton’s Neuroma Treatmentalleviatethe discomfort?
- Choose the right footwear. Avoid shoes with thin soles, too high, too-tight shoes. Choose comfortable and wide-fitting shoes where the toes are comfortable.
- Use shoe inserts, orthotics, or pads inside the shoes. They protect the nerve by softly sitting below the ball of the foot. Use the pads following instructions to ensure it is placed in the right place. These devices are helpful but are more helpful when they are custom-made by a podiatrist Houston.
- Local anesthetic or steroid injections or both are effective especially when the change of footwear has not worked effectively. A podiatrist will inject the affected nerve while doing anultra-scan. Even with the injections, you should follow the footwear modifications.
- Surgery is considered if non-surgical Houston Morton’s Neuroma Treatment does not work. Usually, a non-invasive surgical procedure is done with a small incision being made at the sole or top of the foot. Then the healthcare professional cuts out the affected nerve or creates out space around the affected nerve. If the nerve is cut out you might experience permanent numbness of the skin and toes around the affected area. After surgery, you might be required to wear a special shoe until the wound is healed and you are ready to use normal footwear.