Seed corn on foot appears on the sole and is small. It can be difficult to tell them apart from other foot lesions such as plantar warts or calluses. Hard corn, seed corn, and soft corn are all types of corns on feet. Thickened skin develops in the area of the foot pressure or friction to form corns.
Factors that contribute to the development of a seedcorn include:
- Shoes that do not fit.
- Repetitive activities.
- Existing foot conditions like hammertoes or bunions.
Seed cornsare tiny and develop from friction or pressure on the foot. Seed corn on child’s foot or an adult’s foot is associated with dry skin. Medically seed corns are known as heloma milliare.
Seed corns are:
- Well-defined, hard, and circular.
- They are found in multiples on the sole.
- Often, there are no symptoms but can cause discomfort or pain when pressure is applied to the weight-bearing areas.
Seed Corn Versus A Callus
Calluses are thickened skin that appears due to prolonged friction or pressure. They are similar to seed corn.
- Calluses are larger than corns.
- They vary in shape, while seed corn and other corns are circular and well defined.
- Calluses appear in the weight-bearing points of the feet such as the ball of the foot and the heel.
- The skin of calluses becomes cracked and it is rare to have pain.
Seed Corn vs Plantar Wart
A plantar wart develops at the sole and is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).Seed corn on footcan be mistaken for plantar warts because they look similar. They arehard thickened skin and are painful when pressure is applied.
Their differences include:
- Plantar warts are small but can get larger with time while seed corns remain tiny throughout.
- Plantar warts disrupt the natural lines and creases on the skin at the bottom of the foot, but a seed corn does not disrupt it.
- Plantar warts appear to have black dots or tiny brown inside.
How to Treat a Seed Corn?
You need to know what to do to treat seed corn at home.
- Soak the feet in warm, soapy water for 5 to 10 minutes to soften the seed corn so that it is easier to remove thickened skin.
- Reduce the thickened skin on the seed corn using a pumice stone. To remove the excess thick skin, gently file the skin away to avoid injuring your skin.
- You can use over-the-counter products that contain salicylic acid to peel off the skin. If you have any underlying condition, contact your health care provider before using these products.
- Moisturize the soles of the feet to soften and soften the skin.
- When treating seed corn, wear comfortable footwear.
Seed corns vanish on their own and the time of healing varies between individuals. However, if the seed corns are persistent, contact a foot specialist Houston TX to avoid complications such as infection.